Naturally, private keys are kept private and public keys are made public.
Private key = (p,q) where p and q are primes
Public key = (N,e) where N = p*q and e = 65537
The message is converted to an integer, m. This integer m must be smaller than N and ideally smaller than both p and q, it is converted to ciphertext by the following:
c = me (mod N)
(See modular arithmetic for an explanation of the (mod N) notation.)
To find m from c it suffices to find the multiplicative inverse of e modulo φ(N) i.e. d such that e*d = 1 mod(φ(N)), where φ is Euler's totient function. Then by Euler's theorem we have that:
cd = me*d = mk*φ(m) + 1 = (mk)φ(N)*m = m mod(N)
(Since e*d = k*φ(m) + 1 for some integer k.)
Conveniently, φ(N) is easy to calculate if you know the prime decomposition of N but very hard to calculate for large N if you do not know the prime decomposition of N, and factoring N is very hard when N is the product of two very large prime numbers.
φ(N) = (p-1)*(q-1) = N - (p+q) + 1
Let h be the hash of the message.
h = hash(message)
The signature is the integer s,
s = hd mod(N)
Where d is the multiplicative inverse of e modulo φ(N) as in the decryption section above. Thus only the owner of a private key can produce a valid signature butanyone can verify the validity of this signature by confirming that se = h mod(N) since again by Euler's theorem:
se = (hd)e = hd*e = he*d = h mod(N)
Thus proving that the message is from the owner of the private key corresponding to the public key (N,e) and that the message has not been tampered with.
Check out this implementation I wrote in Python with a gui made with tkinter.
Try sending an encrypted message to me (via any method in the footer), my public key is:
(Note: keys and ciphertext are represented in base 62 (i.e. using symbols 0-9, a-z and A-Z) instead of the usual base 10 for the sake of brevity.)